World Class Dairy & Farm Fresh Produce...
Delivered Directly to Your Doorstep.
We get our milk from our own dairy in Idaho Falls. We guarantee it will be the best milk you have ever tasted. What makes Reed's Dairy different?
Discover the difference that fresh produce makes. We believe in choice - that is why we offer a variety of produce to be delivered to your front door.
Did you know our Zeppole and Gaston's breads are delivered within 12 hours of emerging from the oven? Better yet, we don’t inflate our prices to you; you will pay the same price for fresh, delivered Zeppole and Gaston's breads as you would if you drove to their bakery yourself.

Our milk is of the freshest quality because it is produced right here in Idaho, on small local dairy farms. It is always free of artificial hormones and antibiotics, making it healthy, pure and delicious.
Because of our milk’s thick and creamy texture, people say our skim tastes like others’ 2%. We specialize in delivering products within hours - not days. Over half our milk is delivered within 48 hours of bottling!

We deliver the freshest local products right to your doorstep and save you the inconvenience of those annoying last-minute trips to the store.
Our weekly deliveries allow you to ensure that your refrigerator is continuously stocked with healthy choices. With Reed's Dairy delivering your perishable grocery items, your trips to the grocery store for those non-perishables will be quicker, faster and easier.

Think about how much time it takes to make a “quick trip” to the store for a gallon of milk, not to mention the cost of gas to get there!
Our customers appreciate the time and money they save with home delivery – time and money that are better spent on more important things.

As an Idaho Preferred Vendor, we are proud that over 98% of the products we deliver come from right here in Idaho.
What to know more about the products that we offer?
Check out our products and prices.

Our Products

Farm Fresh Dairy Products:
Many are produced without the use of artificial growth hormones, including milk, eggs, cheese, butter and yogurt.
All-Natural and Organic Meats:
Vogel Farms Pork, steak, chicken.
Fresh Bakery Products:
Incredible Zeppole artisan breads, Gaston's Bakery, and many more.
Garden-Fresh Fruits and Veggies:
Apples, oranges, carrots - all the products you consume regularly, plus convenience items like fresh-cut pineapple, watermelon, and fruit salad. We also carry seasonal produce at the height of their freshness. All from Charlies Produce.
Local Items:
AJ's Salsa, Dawson Taylor Coffee, Tim's Cascade Chips. Teton Chips, Sweet Valley Cookie, Charlies Produce, Chiz's Dressing, Hummuna Hummus, Franz Bakery, Western Farms, McIntyre Farms, Ballard Farms, Dilly's Veggies, Boise Berry Co, City Peanut, Rodriguez Bakery, Oma & Popies, Zeppole Breads, and many, many more.